
Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Here is one reason to stay on top of things!

I may have mentioned it before but one important consideration is to be moored somewhere with easy fast access to the ocean. The PTB are tightening the noose and thoughts of pushing off to the south come in mind. How many of the 1 or 2 reading this, actually have a boat or thinking about buying one to bail out? If things get dicey and the Feds let us have free access to the net, I'll be Southwest around 140.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Future Post

I need to sit down and read some of the past post to get myself caught up as I have let this slide for so long. At least I have been busy with deliveries, from Hawaii to Mexico and some short no nothing stuff. Mostly sail with some stink pots tossed in the mix. The interesting aspect in how ill prepared some owners are. No rigging inspections, old sails and running rigging something less that fair. BUT there sure is a shit pot of food on board! plus all the games, internet and other creature comforts! Uh how the most important thing to check guys? One boat had rusted out hose clamps on the main thru hull fittings, as in touch them and they crumbled! Sailing 3,000 plus miles is not day sailing in the harbor!
More later.
Be safe, be free


Time to get off my ass and continue this blog! It is also time to get off your ass if you are serious about having a Bug Out Boat!
Also check out the links on the side bar. Life is getting very interesting these days so prepare yourself and your boat as if you were making a very long crossing, you may have to!